GBAKA ERNEST ACHO Esq. who is the founder of Gbaka & Co. Law Office is a sworn attorney of the supreme court of Cameroon, a member of the Cameroon Bar Association with over 15 years of experience. He is the current Vice President of the General Assembly of Cameroon Bar Association. He is a holder of two masters’ degrees, one in Business Law and the other in Intellectual Property Law obtained respectively from the University of Yaounde II Soa and jointly by OAPI/WIPO/University of Yaounde II Soa. He holds the highly acclaimed Harvard Law School/WIPO Academy certificate on Patent Law and Global Public Health. In a bid to serve his clients diligently, he has participated in seminars, workshops and conferences both in and out of Cameroon in the domains of Business Law, Intellectual Property Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. He is a Global Council Member at World Commerce and Contracting representing the region of Africa and was elected member of the jury for WorldCC’s Excellence awards 2023 in EMEA countries. He is also a member of several networks of specialists in contract drafting, corporate Lawyers, Credit and Collections. As an Advocate of Freedom Expression, he holds a certificate on International Standards on Freedom of Expression awarded by the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford. He also holds a certificate on sports administration awarded by the Cameroon’s National Olympic and Sports Committee. He is the Executive President of “Association Bonne Information et Gouvenance-Cameroun